Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kuk Sool or Fencing?

I have a choice before me: On one hand, I can take Kuk Sool, a martial art that seems to mix concepts of Hapkido and Tae Kwon Do, as well as a little influence from Chinese martial arts. The benefits of this would include being in much better shape and learning self-defense. The class meets four times a week, and I can show up at whichever ones I choose. The downside? The $90 a month fee, and the pain. D=

My other choice would be fencing. It's not nearly as physically strenuous or painful as Kuk Sool would be, but it would still give me some good physical exercise. Also, as a theater major, learning to fence could be an advantage in auditioning for Shakespeare's plays and the like. The cost is only $40 a month. However, they meet only twice a week. This can be a good or bad thing. I don't have time to make four classes a week with the martial art, but the two specific days fencing takes place on my occasionally mesh horribly with my schedule.

Further complicating things is my girlfriend. We had decided to do one of these together, but she was quickly discouraged from doing either. I really wanted this as something to do WITH her. =(

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