Monday, March 8, 2010

Mild Frustration

Yesterday, BOTH of my mother's vehicles had trouble. One's fuel tank busted, while the other began over-heating.
I love my mom. She's done a lot for me. But I'm sure you can feel my frustration when I was guilt-tripped into lending her my car for a week, as well as give her $500 for repairs. I get the feeling that no matter how hard I try,I be in the same place financially as I started out as long as I am constantly taking care of my mother. She needs to learn to save money and stop eating out, just like I've had to learn over the past year. The entire reason I was able to help her is because I've learned better money management skills, but those management skills won't help if she keeps borrowing money from me.
Even worse, she becomes severely hostile and defensive if I offer to help her help herself- for instance, tell her how she could improve her finances. She lives in a broken-down trailer with a leaking roof and appliances that don't work. However, when I suggest having a friend of mine come over and teach the two of us how to fix things, she becomes angry at the idea. She is "embarrassed" to have someone see her living conditions, but she will STAY in those miserable conditions until she lets go of her pride.
I think I'm finished helping her. She doesn't help herself, so why should I?

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