Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Guess I need to sleep better

Last semester, I had a slight... problem. I had classes in the morning, rehearsal in the evening, and work at night. This, of course, meant I was only getting a couple hours of sleep a day. While it was alarming, it was no conceptual surprise when I was woken up on two occasions by friends as I wandered the halls of school. Through sleep deprivation, I had developed the habit of sleep walking.
I thought that by quitting my job and getting more sleep, this problem would just vanish. Unfortunately, I learned yesterday that one of my friends found me sleep walking again last week. Even more alarming, she was not actually able to wake me up, this time.
So far, I don't appear to have been in harm's way. However, the fact that I'm still doing it after I thought my sleeping habits had improved is probably a bad thing, and I can eventually end up somewhere that could put my health at risk. Perhaps quitting my night job threw my sleep schedule off, and now my body is compensating for the change. Either way, it tends to happen when I fall asleep in class. This isn't often (...anymore), but perhaps I should start drinking small amounts of caffeine during the day until I get used to sleeping at night.

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