Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Status with Classes

So far, I'm making either A's or B's in my classes. The exception to this is math lab. I have fallen behind on my work there. If I do not catch up, not only will that class period have been wasted, but my Math 0800 would as well. That's totally not a good thing. I just feel pressured to get perfect scores on everything due to a change in policy this semester. Pretty much, we now have to score 90-something percent on the homework assignments. Given that we can retake homework assignments indefinitely, one would think this would be no large deal. Unfortunately, it instead pressures me to constantly retake the homework assignments, and I don't move on as far as work goes.
Anyway, there's no room for excuses. I have to get it done. I'll just have to focus more on it than other things right now.

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