Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Young People!

I know 24 is far from old (but not far enough! D=)

But in any case, I got annoyed working with some younger people last week.

Starting from the beginning, and being as vague as possible so no one gets offended.

I was cast in a local play that's JUST far enough to drain my gas-guzzler of 3 gallons a round trip.

I've been getting hammered by papers.

I've got a brain block. One second....

Okay, yeah. Pretty much, I'm down in the dumps and busy and have to save money. So, I dropped out of the play.

Aside from this, there was one thing that was bugging me about the play. With the exception of two people, all of the cast members were a few years younger than me... and even with a few years, there was a LOT of behaivoral difference. With the exception of one of the younger people (who happens to be an AUM theater student, so he knows better), most of the cast was running around like chickens with their head cut off, making immature jokes about everything, and being generally unprofessional. I mean, I'm annoying sometimes, but I swear I saw the director have an annuerism at one point, and he's usually a pretty mellow guy.

Anyway, I've discovered I don't like working with a lot of people younger than me. I don't even like working with people that are my age! Something I guess I'll have to get used to it, because as I get older, there are gonna be more people younger than me.

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