Sunday, April 25, 2010


So, we've got like a week and a half left of school, and I have a little more than forty blogs posted here. I will try and fill these slots with worthwhile posts and such.

Here's my critique for the whole "writing across the curriculum" program:
I believe it is a good, helpful program that will help students become used to writing. This is especially useful to students such as myself that have been out of high school for years. It re-acclimates us to writing again.
I do, however, believe that 70 entries is a bit much. I'm not just saying this because I haven't yet met this requirement. While it is nice to get so much practice writing, it shouldn't interfere with the already-busy schedule of students. I believe that making worthwhile entries(rather than filling the journal/ blog with crap) should involve some thought. I think 55-60 entries would suffice. It would show that effort has been put into the entries, without flooding students with yet more work.

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