Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Emperor Joker? D=

So, the way blogs are supposed to work, the blogger (me) researches all sorts of information on relevant subject material, and the bloggee (you) goes "Oooooh, Ahhhhh! Thanks for the information, omniscient blogger!"
Unfortunately, I'm finding slim to no information on what I want to talk about. Yes, I manage to suck at Google.

Apparently, Batman: Brave and the Bold is going to do a story arc of the Emperor Joker storyline. From what I've heard, Bat-mite will be in the episode. I'm not sure if he will be replacing Mtsl... Mytzy... Mjhasjkflghfkgsd. That GUY that bugs Superman all the time, or if he'll just happen to be in the episode for another plot point.

First: Information! I can't find much. Will it be an animated film? A one episode plot, maybe a two-parter? I wanna know!

Second: Speculation! Emperor Joker is not my favorite story arc. Far from it. There were a few witty one-liners, but otherwise the entire concept was slaughtered with bad writing and inconsistent artwork. If this plot were taken seriously for an animated adaptation, it would likely suck horribly.
FORTUNATELY, it's Brave and the Bold we're talking about here. It has the zanney-ness of the 1960's show, with a few dark Batman aspects thrown in. If anything could make this story fun to watch, it's BATB. Here's hoping it's good!

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