Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I didn't sleep last night. Didn't want to. Couldn't really. Too much to do. FINALLY figured out my thesis for a Sociology 1010 paper due three days ago. I swear, all my other 1010 classes are doing papers on ideas that already exist. This one is more along the lines of mixing alot of old ideas to create completely new ones. Isn't that like, 1020 material? Ugh.
I don't have any excuses. I'm just three steps behind on everything. Trying to figure out how to fill the rest of my journals in a week in a way that doesn't just make useless posts. I don't think useless posts are the point behind this.

I think I ticked off my girlfriend by staying up. Of course, I've stayed up the last few nights as well. Probably screwing her sleep up just as much as mine.

This blog is slowly turning from "Sarcastic Optimist" to "Depressed Soul-draining Guy".

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