Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Falling Apart

I don't think I planned well enough for this semester. Last semester came so easily that I think I underestimated how difficult things can become if you let just one aspect begin to slip. The difference was that last semester was my first semester, and I was expecting college to be a billion times harder than it was, so I had prepared for the worst.
I did well enough until this point, but now things are falling apart at the most crucial part of the year. I don't have anything organized to write halfway decent papers. I've lost most of my class syllabuses, and I don't even know most of my professor's names, much less their e-mail addresses.
It just goes to show that I am going to have to go into each semester with a game plan, and prepare for the worst. I may have been bored last semester, but there are worse things to be than bored. My GPA will probably drop to like a 3.2. It will take a lot of work to get it back up.

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