Monday, April 19, 2010


I'll be planning on attending Dragon Con this September. It will be my first convention, and I'm pretty excited to go. Going with me will be my girlfriend, Nicole, and a few friends. Naturally, one of my costumes will be my Joker. Another will likely be Johnny Depp's version of Willy Wonka, mostly due to already having the costume. Since I already have two costumes, this gives me spending money for my third.
My girlfriend suggested Brooklyn from Disney's Gargoyles.

She's been doing most of the work. This is more due to her biting my hand if I dare touch her baby, rather than me being lazy or busy. And honestly, I'm glad she's doing it; it looks friggin' awesome!

It has yet to be painted. It's carved from high-density foam (which happens to be EXPENSIVE x.x) Anyway, it has a working bottom jaw (as in I open my mouth, the mask's mouth opens). We have to make some finishing touches, as well as find a wig, and then we can move on. Since Nicole has already decided how the digitigrade legs will work, and probably won't let me touch the ideas for the wings, this only gives me one real freedom- do I want body dye, or a skin-tight jumpsuit? I personally think dye would look better, but it presents many problems. No matter how secure the make up is, after hours it WILL begin to come off, and the fact that application onto my body could take hours would make it difficult.
The suit, on the other hand, would be easier to slip on, and would only need to be made once, rather than applied every single time.

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