Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Prom Paddling Predicament!

So,recently, in good ole Alabama, 18 students got in trouble for wearing too-reavling prom dresses. While this may be a tad bit conservative for a public school, that doesn't sound TOO odd. Only just a little ridiculous.

But HERE'S the good part. The choice in punishment was 3 days suspension... or PADDLING. Given, these are juniors and seniors we are talking about: Far too old for paddling punishment, for sure. That's not what disturbed me. What disturbs me is the fact that somewhere along the line, someone thought it would be appropriate to spank 17 year old girls that the school had already deemed as "under-dressed". Really? Did anyone THINK about how that would look? Creeeepyyy. Well, that aside, 17 of the 18 girls prefered paddling to suspension. For some reason, I get the mental image of some eager middle-aged man carrying out the sentence, but hey. I don't know that for sure, so I can't judge, right?
Honestly, I don't know what else to say about this. I don't do well with talking about recent events. There were things. These things happened. I wasn't involved, so aside from the creepy mental images of said spankings that I can't get out of my head, what else is there for me to really have an opinion about?

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