Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I started a webcomic! \o/

I've started a webcomic. For those that don't know, a webcomic is pretty much what it sounds like- a comic strip on a website. Some are comedy, others are serious, and some fail at both. Mine is better than these ones that fail at both, because I don't try to be serious. Thus, it only fails at comedy! \o/
The webcomic tells the story of Kitty as told by a ten-year-old with a dry erase board. Kitty is everyone's friend... until Kitty ends up becoming a zombie computer virus with inbred demon grand-kittens. D=
As you can tell, this is probably for people with a bit of a twisted sense of humor. If you believe you have such a sense of humor, here you go.

You just click "next" to continue through the pages. Have fuuuun. =3

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