Monday, January 25, 2010

If I were in charge?

Our blog today is supposed to be a "if we were in charge of our High School" kind of thing, or if High School was a little too far back for us, "if we were in charge of our job". Well, high school was seven years ago for me, so I'll have to go with the whole job thing.
Unfortunately, posting negative aspects about one's job can have a negative effect on one's job searches in the future. I am really not comfortable discussing something like that on a public blog. I don't really have anything positive to say about my job; I do it because I feel that as a member of society, I should be active in society and have a job. Hell, honestly, I make more money from the excess left over from my G.I. Bill than I do working overtime at my job. If I did it for the money, I would have quit long ago.
I guess the main thing I would do (that I am not uncomfortable posting) is fire people much more often. I feel that lazy and uncooperative people are given way too many chances, or even occasionally given special treatment so they won't quit.

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