Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I don't even want to think of summer, yet. The only place I can really go when I leave the dorms is my mother's trailer. People think college is stressful? Ha! One of my primary reasons for going to college was to get the hell out of there.
The trailer leaks horribly. The doors are practically falling off their hinges. The bathroom sink barely functions. There's no heat during the winter, and no air conditioning during the summer. Worst of all, my mother won't let me bring someone in to fix it all for her! She's "embarassed" for anyone to see how she lives.
Then there's my mother herself. I recently called her, asking if she would like to go out to eat with me- my treat. Her response was screaming her head off for calling her while she was driving ( because I TOTALLY knew she was driving). Imagine living with someone who goes off screaming for such little things. While I lived there, I practically remained cramped up in my little room so I wouldn't bump into her and make her start screaming like a two year old over whatever random thing I did wrong THAT time.

I don't know what I'm going to do over the summer. If I get an apartment, I won't be able to afford moving back into the dorms in the fall. My best bet is probably to ask some friends if I can stay with them, then pay whatever rent I can afford without draining the money I've started saving for dorms next semester. I also need to find a job for the summer. Ha, yay, I get to compete with high schoolers looking for ways to pay for entertainment through the summer.
Okay, so maybe I'm being more of a sarcastic pessimist instead of a sarcastic optimist today. Just thinking of moving back into that trailer gets me into a heavy negative mood. Anyway, leacture is starting, so I gotta go.

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