Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Movie thing

Okay, I'm supposed to be writing about disagreeing with critic or popular reviews. Here's the problem: in all of the movies I'm looking up, I agree with the critics, and most of the movies I watch are not high-profile enough to garner mass public attention. There are a few exceptions to watching well-known movies, but I only watch well-known movies if a good deal of people or critics have already deemed it a great movie. Otherwise, I don't waste my money.
I guess the closest thing possible would be Twilight. While I am glad that the book is getting young girls to read, I hope that they grow to realize that is a very bad book. The fourteen year old girls I can understand, as the story seems to appeal to the taboos and sexual frustrations of females in that age range, but it heavily disturbs me to see grown adults reading- and enthralled by- this book.
Anyway, I can't really concentrate on writing in this blog during class due to loud discussion. I probably won't do much blogging during class, despite the fact we are supposed to do ten minutes of it there. I will have to do it in the relative privacy of my dorm room, where it's not so loud.


  1. You feel strongly enough about Twilight to italicize very bad book. Have you read it?

  2. I attempted reading the first chapter. The syntax was terrible and it felt as though I was reading something written on

    After suffering through a chapter, I just read a plot summary instead. The only part that I felt was clever at all was the scene in which the vampire group was attempting to cook a meal for Bella, and were doing a terrible job due to that they haven't cooked in a very, very long time.
