Monday, May 3, 2010


So, I've finally found a convention in Alabama. It's in Birmingham, and it's called Imagicon. It takes place too soon to use my Brooklyn costume, but my Joker and Willy Wonka outfits are ever-ready to grab the attention of every random passer-by.

Unfortunately, my girlfriend can't go with me. =( Work, and all that jazz. Oh well- at least she'll still be able to come to Dragon*Con in September.

Imagicon is pretty small, but that's probably a good thing. A small con will probably be easier to start with than a large con. Plus, I might have a better chance of competing with other artists if I set up an art booth in a smaller con.

Last Week!

This is the last week of classes; after Tuesday, all we have left are finals.
Despite the fact that passing my Math 0800 class is no longer necessary (and the class doesn't affect my GPA), I don't really need to show up to take the final, but I will anyway. It'll be nice to know exactly how much I've retained before heading on to Finite Math.
Frankly, I'll be glad to be out of Reading 0700. I understand that I had to take it as a provisional student, but they should really take a good look at the English Placement scores before deciding a student -has- to take that class.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Well, I was in Math 0800. I was passing the class, but a few absences were keeping me from passing the Math Lab, which has to be taken and passed simultaneously. So, since I pretty much knew what I was DOING with the math, I went and retook the Math Placement Exam. I placed in Finite Math, so I no longer have to worry about any remedial courses! My next semester will be my last as a provisional student, so then I'll be good to go after that, since I've completed all provisional requirements! Awesome.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Suggestions for Not-So-Well-Known Movies

If you like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firestarter, or anything else Joss Whedon, I would suggest Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog. Bonus points if you like musicals, because... well, it is one. Neil Patrick Harris (that's right- Doogie Howser) plays the titular character, Dr. Horrible, in his attempt to become a successful super villain, take over the world, and get the girl! Really, it's a good movie. Only problem is you probably either have to watch it on YouTube, order it online, or special order it from Movie Stop in Prattville. It's also available for an iPod download, but I don't know how that all works.
It's got an interesting story behind its creation. Pretty much, it was done during the Writer's Strike in like, 2008 or 2009 or whenever, to somehow prove a point that it doesn't take huge budgets to make something totally awesome. All cast and crew did the musical under the contract that they only get a percentage of the profit. Further decreasing their pay, it was originally released for free on iPod. Of course, it caught on well, and now they reap the benefits from merchandise as well as the few people who now buy the movie (including me!)
Another neat thing about the DVD is that there are two sets of commentary. There is the standard commentary with the director and cast. Then, there is "Commentary! The Musical", in which the entire cast and crew sing about the making of the film. It was a pretty innovative way to get people to buy the DVD, as Commentary! The Musical is not available otherwise.

Next movie!!

Suicide Club
An independent Japanese film that gained a small cult following. It has a very strange take on Japanese society, loosely based around a real-life temporary extreme increase in suicides that plagued the country for a few months. A lot is lost in translation, but it's still a good watch. It actually has the most sadistic character I have ever seen in any media, in that he is realistically sadistic. He is not a genuis, although he fancies himself as one. (Real sociopaths are not Hannibal Lecter- they are Buffalo Bill. Hannibal is more interesting due to his intelligance, but usually the part of the brain that controls right from wrong also helps govern one's rational thought).
It's something you'll really have to see to decide whether or not you like it, because the plot turns from typical mystery to extremely surreal very fast.

The next one is not a movie, but a 12 Episode Anime series.

Elfen Lied
First off, be forewarned. Blood, nudity, torture. The first five episodes are meant to draw in every typical anime-loving nerd with its sex appeal and gore. However, it begins to gain plot halfway through, and becomes VERY good.
Be further forewarned. It turns from gorey to pretty damned depressing. After I watched this series, I decided to go to bed for the rest of the day. After talking to other people who have seen it, I was not the only one.
Apparently, the director did this on purpose. He found a bloody, gorey Japanese comic book, and intentionally drew people in. He then twisted the plot take drive his audience to tears. D=

Others will come~! Class is over.

Young People!

I know 24 is far from old (but not far enough! D=)

But in any case, I got annoyed working with some younger people last week.

Starting from the beginning, and being as vague as possible so no one gets offended.

I was cast in a local play that's JUST far enough to drain my gas-guzzler of 3 gallons a round trip.

I've been getting hammered by papers.

I've got a brain block. One second....

Okay, yeah. Pretty much, I'm down in the dumps and busy and have to save money. So, I dropped out of the play.

Aside from this, there was one thing that was bugging me about the play. With the exception of two people, all of the cast members were a few years younger than me... and even with a few years, there was a LOT of behaivoral difference. With the exception of one of the younger people (who happens to be an AUM theater student, so he knows better), most of the cast was running around like chickens with their head cut off, making immature jokes about everything, and being generally unprofessional. I mean, I'm annoying sometimes, but I swear I saw the director have an annuerism at one point, and he's usually a pretty mellow guy.

Anyway, I've discovered I don't like working with a lot of people younger than me. I don't even like working with people that are my age! Something I guess I'll have to get used to it, because as I get older, there are gonna be more people younger than me.


I just checked my e-mail, and realized that I missed an important theater meeting yesterday at AUM. ARGH. Oh well. I wouldn't have had anything to contribute, anyway. I don't really have good ideas. Hell, even if I did, I'm just a freshman- why would they listen to my ideas? They have been doing this longer and know what they are talking about.

Besides, I'm so out of the loop from the theater now that it's not even funny! I have no clue what's been going on. And I'm pretty sure that I annoy most of them, anyway. Yeah, I annoy them on PURPOSE ( it's kinda funny when they give me that "I don't know if you're kidding us or not" look), but still. Annoying is annoying. Kind of like Annoying Orange. Ooh, you should search for Annoying Orange on YouTube. I think it's hillarious. Most of my friends think that it's just plain annoying, though, so that's funny, too.

Anyway, I digress~! Like usual~! I need need need to get better organized so I don't keep missing things like this. I also need to start exercising more. Like, I'm rocking back and forth in my chair right now, and each time my stomach touches the desk, there's more of a squish involved than there should be. I ran like three days ago, but that was the first time in a month. Chin ups are a good idea, too. I mean, I DID buy that chin up bar and all!

Hopefully I won't miss the next meeting.

You know that feeling?

You know that feeling you get when you see someone you instinctively don't like? The sight of their face fills you with hate, the sound of their voice makes you wann hurl.
There's a guy in this class I feel this way about. In fact, he's on all three of my classes today. And I don't have to worry about him reading this because only one person reads this blog! He keeps running his mouth, even now, and it sounds like he's bragging with every word he says. God, I hate his face.
Now, I'm not wishing this upon him at all. I'm just saying I wouldn't MIND if he got mangled in a car accident.

Of course, knowing my luck, his face would be left intact.